In a poll I ran recently Recruitment is one of the top 3 issues #smallbusinesses have on the to do lists in Q3 and it is no secret it can be a time consuming and sometimes costly process. Lots of companies are struggling to recruit so should they be looking more closely at retaining rather than replacing their staff?
Below are a few tips on improving staff retention:
1. Responsibility. Show your employees you trust them by giving them responsibilities that allow them to grow. Help them to develop new skills by providing learning & development opportunities.
2. Hire from within wherever possible, and promote as much as possible. Use learning and development to give your team the skills they will need to be ready when the opportunities arise.
2. Appreciation & Respect. All employees want to know they are respected and appreciated. We all have emotions and will always remember the way a company or a manager make us feel. Make your interactions positive and get to know your employees beyond just the name and the role they do. This will help build a strong workplace relationship and positive culture. Make positive experiences and memories that employees won't forget.
3. Reward. It's not all about salary! The rewards you give your employees should speak to their emotional needs and wants. Saying thank you, a handwritten note, and access to support all contribute to the positive culture and are good morale builders.
4. Relaxation Time. Encouraging a good work life balance. Be generous with time off and flexible working. Providing sufficient time for sick days, holidays, medical appointments, and family matter are highly beneficial to a great employee relationship. Performance should be assessed on productivity and output not the number of hours worked. Long-term working relationships requires effort in both directions. If you expect and hope that employees will make and keep long-term commitment to your company you need to provide good reasons to stay
If you want to chat more about improving employee retention or anything else on your people agenda drop me a DM or book in a meeting for a free no obligation chat.