Welcome to 2023
As we start a new year there are some key HR dates you should put in your diary to keep you legally compliant and to raise awareness and celebrate diversity. You may get some ideas on how you can support your employees or set up events to celebrate some to build a positive culture and employee engagement.
There are so many awareness days that I am not going to list them all but they can be found with a quick look on Google or your preferred search engine. You can also ask your employees if there is anything special to them that could be celebrated.
4th World Braile Day
A chance to raise awareness of Braille, the reading system for blind and partially sighted people.
16th Blue Monday
Blue Monday is unofficially known as the saddest day of the year due to the cold and wet weather, the darkness, and delayed Christmas bills coming in before pay day. To ease the financial stress for employees (especially if you paid them early in December) can you bring your pay run forward by 1 week for January only? I guarantee your employees will thank you.
16th - Brew Monday
Brew Monday is a positive twist on Blue Monday’s. Supported by the Samaritans to remind everyone to reach out for a cuppa and a catch-up with the people you care about.
16th - 22nd ​​Big Energy Saving Week
Help your employees save money on their energy bills through education and understanding. This is run in partnership between Citizens Advice and the Money Saving Trust.
27th - Holocaust Memorial Day
A time to remember the millions of people who died during the Holocaust under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.
1st - 28th - UK LGBT+ History Month
This is an annual month-long celebration of LGBT+ history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements.
2nd - Time to Talk day
A day to reach out to friends, families, neighbours, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk about mental health, listen and help change lives.
4th - World Cancer day
The international awareness day led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to raise worldwide attention and inspire action for a cancer-free future.
6th - National Sickie Day
Statistically the first Monday of every February is the day when most workers are likely to call in sick.
Race Equality Week
An annual UK-wide event uniting organisations and individuals to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace
Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week
The UK’s national week to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence, and to provide an opportunity for any organisation or individual to engage in dialogue.
National Apprenticeship Week
An annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships. If you are looking to grow, why not think about taking on an apprentice. If you need some support book in a meeting
17th Random Acts of Kindness Day
A day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. Why not do something nice for your employees as a surprise for them? A cake or food for them to share, a personal thank you note to each of them and two of hundreds of options that don't have to cost a lot of money but will mean a lot
24th Emotional Health Day
A day for everyone to think about their own emotional health and how they can support and develop it in others, whether in their family, in school or in their workplace. Run a survey to see what your employees need help improve their emotional health and support they may need and act on the results
3rd National Employee Appreciation Day
A time for you to say thank you to your employees. It is often overlooked but a very important part of being a good manager
8th - International Women’s Day
A day to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
13-19th Neurodiversity Celebration Week
A worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.
13-19th Sign Language Week
Celebrated each year on the anniversary of the recognition of British Sign Language (BSL) by the UK Government in 2003
17th - Red Nose Day
Can you set up some fundraising events in the office to raise money for good causes?
20-26th Debt Awareness Week
With the cost of living crisis many people are struggling. Use this week to provide information on where they can get help if they need to.
1-30 Stress Awareness Month
Held every year to increase public awareness about both the causes of and cures for the modern stress epidemic
2nd World Autism Awareness Day
Highlights the need to help improve the quality of life of those with autism, so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society.
22nd Earth Day
Celebrated each year to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
28th World Health & Safety at work day
Promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.
2nd- 6th Changes to statutory family-related pay and sick pay
Full details of the benefit and pension rates can be found here.
21st National Tea Day
I can't start the day without a cup of English Breakfast tea. What's your favourite blend?
1-31st National Walking Month
Set up to promote walking as a form of exercise that is good for your health.
Time for a Cuppa
Taking time to talk and support families facing dementia
Deaf Awareness Week
A week to celebrate deafness and promotion inclusion.
8-14th Mental Health Awareness Week
Break the taboo around mental health and use this as an opportunity to focus on achieving good mental health for you and your employees.
8th Bank Holiday for Kings Coronation
Make sure your absence and holiday policies are up to date an employees take advantage of an extra long weekend in May
20th Human Resources Day
A day to celebrate those working in HR and supporting you with your people.
1-30th Pride Month
A month dedicated to celebrating LGBTQ+ communities all around the world.
1-7th Volunteers Week
An annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.
12-18th International Men’s Health Week
Highlight the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys
19-25th Learning Disability Week
Set up to educate, spread awareness, and increase understanding of learning disabilities. Think about roles you have that could be suitable for or adapted so someone with learning disabilities could work for you.
30th National Cream Day
Take time out to enjoy an afternoon tea, you wont regret it! It is one of my favourite meals.
2nd World Thank You Day
Celebrate all the things that keep you and your team connected. Saying ‘thank you’ to each other – making a brew, sharing a cake, lighting up the BBQ, and getting everyone together helps build employee engagement.
3-9th Alcohol Awareness Week
Highlight the support available and solutions to address the harms related to alcohol and other drug use.
7th World Chocolate Day
An annual celebration of chocolate! Do I need to say anymore?
1-31st International Happiness Happens Month
Dedicated to celebrating everything that makes you happy
3rd Cycle to Work Day
Encouraging your employees to get on their bikes and get into work on two wheels
8th National Cat Day
Who doesn't love a cat? Mine are my chief wellness officers!
26th International Dog Day
Celebrating all dogs everywhere
1-30 Sleeptember
A good night's sleep is key and this month focusses how you can achieve better sleep and what benefits a good night’s sleep can bring.
10th World Suicide Prevention Day
Highlighted on this day every year, in order to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. Check in with your employees, friends and family
11-15th National Pension Awareness Week
How many of your employees pay into their pension? This week should be used to encourage everyone to engage with their pension and to understand the benefits of financial wellbeing more widely.
18th International Equal Pay Day
A day to raise awareness about equal pay the disparities of the pay between women and men for work of equal value to end Gender Pay discrimination
1-31st Menopause Awareness Month
Putting the spotlight on the support available for those going through the menopause or experiencing menopausal symptoms.
2-8 Dyslexia Awareness Week
Raising awareness about Dyslexia
Baby Loss Awareness Week
An opportunity to mark the lives of babies lost in pregnancy, or at or soon after birth.
National Work Life Week
An annual campaign to get both employers and employees talking about wellbeing at work and work-life balance.
10th World Mental Health Day
Raising awareness that looking after your mental health is important, breaking the taboo and how to find support of you need it.
1st National Stress Awareness Day
Highlighting the ways that stress can affect people and what you can do to manage your stress before it becomes a problem
11th Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty.
13-17th Anti-Bullying Week
Aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young people
1st World Aids Day
Observed across the globe to spread awareness about the disease and remember all those who lost their lives to it.
2nd Small Business Saturday
A campaign to highlight small business success and encourage people to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities
4-10th National Grief Awareness Week
To raise awareness of the number of ways in which individuals cope with, deal with and manage loss.
8th Christmas Jumper Day
An annual event to raise money for Save the Children which aims to raise money for children in the UK and across the world. A great way to kick of your work Christmas festivities and raise money for a fantastic cause